Church and the World

Abortions Approved by Church Without Your Knowledge?

Few weeks ago Danny Vierra invited me to come back to Modern Manna to help his team to prepare and record the Health & Healing Crusade he is organizing for almost 20 years. This year one of the speakers, Ron Woolsey, from Coming Out Ministries gave me a link to YouTube presentation about abortion being performed in Adventist Hospitals. As we talked about that we both agreed that we need to raise awareness of this issue and ask many church members to demand from our church leadership to take serious look at the matter and take an official position on [...]

June 20, 2017|Categories: Church and the World|

Become a Translator

Revival Seminars – Character Building Project offers volunteers a unique opportunity to translate videos recorded for this Project into any language. Our community of volunteers already translated this Project partly or completely into Spanish, Russian, German, Hungarian, Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Romanian and recently Swahili. Contact us today! Into subject please write “translator”. […]

July 16, 2013|Categories: Church and the World|

March 13, 2013: 665+1

Today is significant day for many reasons. Biblically speaking today we have the first day of the new Biblical year – Nissan first! Shalom to you all who love the LORD our SAVIOUR and keep His Commandments (Rev 14:12 – Is 26:3) Today new pope was announced and he took upon himself the name FRANCIS the FIRST! What is so special about that? Well, in seventies one brother got an idea that to “count the number of the beast” (Rev 13:18) might mean to literally count the numbers popes used in their names. Then he got another thought: in Rev 17:9 [...]

April 8, 2013|Categories: Church and the World|

HRVATSKI: Ted Wilson – ASI 2011 Sacramento

”Božja crkva ostatka – završimo snažno!” {vimeo}33081168{/vimeo} Velika je prednost prisustvovati konvenciji ASI-ja. To je jedna od Božjih velikih misionarskih organizacija koja je silan blagoslov za evanđeosko djelovanje Adventističke crkve u svijetu. Znajte da vas GK cijeni i da je oduševljena snažnim podupirajućim aktivnostima i mnogim službama koje vrši ova dinamična organizacija. To što ističete zadobivanje duša u sili Svetog Duha pokazuje da radite kako Bog želi – objavljujući Krista u poslovnom svijetu. Vaša podrška mnogim crkvenim evanđeoskim projektima oduševljava – projekti kao što su crkva i škola sagrađene u jedan dan i mnogi drugi neobični projekti. Nedavno sam imao [...]

December 3, 2011|Categories: Church and the World|

Sunday Laws

We know from the Spirit of Prophecy that there will be Sunday Laws around the world – forcing people to observe them and abuse their religious conscience. Well, here is the news: We were told that the first Sunday Laws would NOT BE FOR RELIGIOUS REASONS!!! Please read this story and send it on! Sunday Closing Law in North Dakota · July 27, 2011 […]

August 17, 2011|Categories: Church and the World|

ČESKY: Ted Wilson z ASI Sacramento

Zde je text kázání, které poskytl kazatel Ted N. C. Wilson, president Generální konference adventistů sedmého dne, na výročním setkání ASI, 6.8.2011 Zde je odkaz na video:   Chyby v pravopise a stylistice prosím ignorujte. Díky za pochopení. "Boží církev ostatků - finišuje s maximálním nasazením!" J Je pro mne velkou předností, že mohu být na setkání ASI. ASI je jednou z velkých Boží misijních organizací, která je úžasným požehnáním celosvětovému organizačnímu úsilí církve adventistů sedmého dne. Rád bych, abyste věděli, že Generální konference si vás váží a je potěšena vašimi silně podporujícími aktivitami a mnohými podporujícími služebnostmi, které [...]

August 15, 2011|Categories: Church and the World|

ENGLISH: Ted Wilson from ASI Sacramento

Here is the text of a sermon delivered by Pastor Ted N C Wilson, President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, at the 2011 ASI Convention, Sacramento, California, on August 6, 2011 Here you can watch the video:   "God's Remnant Church - Finishing Strong!" It is a great privilege to be at the ASI Convention.  ASI is one of God’s great missionary organizations that is a tremendous blessing to the world wide evangelistic outreach of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  I want you to know that the General Conference appreciates you and is delighted with your strong supportive activities and many supporting ministries that make [...]

August 10, 2011|Categories: Church and the World|
